Tuesday, March 29, 2011

INS of the Father

As you probably already know, my friend Nathan has his own bog, Mirrorshards, where he posts a daily 100 word story.

If you don't already read Mirrorshards (dude, what's wrong with you?) you don't know that today's piece is particularly clever. Check it out.


Scattercat said...

See, I was worried that one was borderline offensive...

Mark said...

You think so? I felt like the story was kind of sympathetic to the goblin. You were kind of rooting for him - a clever goblin sticking it to the man.

Scattercat said...

But it inherently accepts the premise of cunning, conniving immigrants using their children as a lever to get into Amurrica and steal our jobs and all the white women etc. I dunno. Maybe I worry about that sort of thing too much.